Become a 3rd pillar advisor for

Who we are belongs to Sparta Group SA, an independent insurance consultancy specializing, among other things, in 3rd pillar and health.
We have been based in Geneva since 2014 and are partners of all the major insurance companies on the market.

What profile do you need?

We are only looking for FINMA-registered advisors of any age who are committed to providing neutral, high-quality advice.

As a minimum, you must have a perfect command of either French or German (or Swiss German).
If you don’t speak French at all, you must at least also have a good command of English.
Italian is also useful, if you are able to advise in this language.

You need to have good contact with people, whether by phone or email, and you need to know how to get new prospects through your own networks.

What are the advantages of working for

– You’ll never have to make a single comparison again!
Our team will do them all for you, as well as preparing offers and proposals to send to customers.
So there’s no need to master the bidding programs of different companies.
– You can work 100% from home, or at your leisure.
– You’ll benefit from a professional interface for managing and calling customers.
– You’ll receive support and coaching from other qualified professionals who are experts in the field.
– You’ll be put in touch with 10 to 100 prospects a month, depending on your availability, results, languages spoken and seniority.

Offre spéciale

How much will you be paid? is not currently recruiting fixed-salary advisors, but this could change as early as 2024, and if it does, priority will be given to advisors already working for us at that time.

The proposed salary is therefore purely commission-based:
For your own prospects: Your commission would start at 70% of the total gross commission
For our prospects: Your commission would start at 23% of total gross commission.

There is no guaranteed salary, and no ceiling.

Your % gross commission will also increase by 1% per year of seniority for a minimum of 5 years, if you reach a certain annual activity quota.

Interested? Apply now!

Send us your CV, in English or French, to, along with a copy of your insurance advisor certification.
Don’t forget to mention your language skills in detail.

Important :

Also tell us how many hours a week you’d be willing to spend dealing with leads from us.
Of course, there’s no guarantee that you’ll get the number you want, especially in the beginning, but it’s important for us to have an idea.
Don’t include your own prospects in this calculation.

Let us know what your customer acquisition networks and methods would be for your own prospects, and an estimate of how many of your own prospects you hope to be able to add to your list each month, and approximately how many hours a week this would take you.

Then, if your CV is selected, we’ll book one or two interviews where you’ll act as the 3rd pillar advisor and we’ll be the potential customer.

See you soon,

The team